Prospects for the Western Balkan
Regional cooperation meeting in Vienna
From 10-11 December, the Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria) hosts a meeting of the European Environment Agency and the Western Balkan countries in Vienna.

During these two days the participants will reflect on previous achievements in environmental and climate monitoring and reporting. Aim of the meeting is to ensure synergies across thematic priority areas, such as Green Deal for the Western Balkans, and to discuss prospects for enhanced cooperation with the European Union. The Environment Agency Austria has been supporting the institutional capacity building in the countries of the Western Balkans for many years. “For our partners in the Western Balkans region it is important to see how environmental monitoring and reporting can be promoted and how it fits into the overall context of regional cooperation, approximation and eventually accession to the EU”, says Georg Rebernig, Managing Director of the Environment Agency Austria. “The European Green Deal will certainly also bring new dynamics to the environment and climate policy in the region.”
“For our partners in the Western Balkans region it is important to see how environmental monitoring and reporting can be promoted and how it fits into the overall context of regional cooperation, approximation and eventually accession to the EU.”
Environment Agency Austria: A reliable partner in the Western Balkans
One of the ongoing initiatives, that strengthen environmental regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, is the EU Environment Partnership Programme for Accession (EPPA), funded by the European Union. EPPA offers a collaboration platform for enlargement countries to better deal with EU environmental acquis implementation challenges, fostering regional dialogue and further developing networks with the EU Member States. Austrian experts under the leadership of NIRAS will assist the partner countries with their knowledge and experience in building administrative capacity, developing air quality management programmes and waste management plans, and in protecting the marine and coastal environment.
Environment Agency Austria in a nutshell
The Environment Agency Austria is Austria’s most important environmental expert institution and a leading adviser on environmental matters in Europe. The Environment Agency Austria stands for a transformation of the economy and society to ensure sustainable living. Our experts provide the basis for decision making at local, regional, European and international level.
The Environment Agency Austria has a demonstrable track record of successful projects in more than 60 countries – from the new EU Member States to the Western Balkans, the Middle East, the Maghreb countries and Asia. The Environment Agency Austria works as an adviser to UN and EU institutions and as a partner in more than 200 national, European and international networks, bodies, and working groups.