Field Comparison Exercise for PM mass concentration
In outdoor air, particulate matter is considered to be the pollutant that is most harmful to human health. To protect human health, the EU has agreed on limit values for PM2.5 and PM10 and on an exposure reduction target for PM2.5, as specified in the Air Quality Directive. Apart from being required by the Directive, accurate measurement of the two particulate fractions PM2.5 and PM10 is also essential for a harmonised assessment of concentration levels, to verify the successful implementation of emission reduction measures and to identify changing emission patterns or sources at local, regional and global level.

The quality of PM measurements has to be assured and continuously monitored to ensure conformity with the Air Quality Directive and the requirements of international standards for accreditation. Therefore, an inter-laboratory comparison exercise (IE) for the determination of PM mass concentration using the reference gravimetric method (ÖNORM EN 12341) was organised at European level at the Environment Agency Austria.
Such an IE involves comparing the samplers used by the various participants. Samplers were therefore co-located over a period of several weeks so that the number of test samples were large enough to allow statistical analysis.
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