Analysis of pharmaceutical residues in water
More than 13,000 different medicines are approved in Austria. Consumption levels are therefore high. The range of active ingredients is also increasing - and these active ingredients leave traces. They are detectable in sewage, rivers and lakes but also in groundwater and drinking water. It is not just the high consumption levels that are causing problems for the environment, but often also the properties of the active substances. Many of them are persistent, water-soluble and mobile and can thus be a problem.

With our new test, we are able to reliably and rapidly detect a range of 90 active pharmaceutical ingredients in your water sample using an innovative screening method, and we determine the exact concentrations in the nanogram range for 10 substances. On request, we will also determine the concentrations of all of the 90 substances.
Your challenge
- You would like to know if your water is contaminated with active pharmaceutical ingredients or their metabolites.
- You would like to make sure that the active ingredients of pharmaceuticals that are most often detected in water bodies are included in the scope of the analysis.
- You would like to make use of a high-quality screening method that gives you fast and reliable results.
Our services
- Screening of 90 active pharmaceutical ingredients and quantification of 10 substances (on request of all substances)
- Analysis using up-to-date equipment and LC-MS(/MS)
- Based on our calculated tolerance level for drinking water, you will be able to carry out a quick interpretation of the results for all values yourself.
Your benefits
- You find out whether your water is contaminated with active pharmaceutical ingredients.
- You find out whether your drinking water complies with the tolerance levels.
- You will receive a comprehensive test report from our testing laboratory.
- The test results will be treated as strictly confidential.