Analysis of microplastics
Screening and quantification in water, soil and consumer items
The presence of microplastics in the environment and their effects on human, animal and ecosystem health are the subject of current discussions. Restrictions on primary microplastics such as particles used as additives in cosmetics are currently being discussed.

Secondary microplastics, which originate from abrasion and from the degradation of large plastic pieces into smaller plastic fragments, are meanwhile detectable in the environment. This degradation into smaller and smaller plastic particles can go on for decades. Therefore, it is crucial that we act now and take measures to protect the environment.
Your Challenge
- You want to find out whether microplastics are present in consumer items or food and how many of them there are.
- You want to know if microplastics are present in the environment, or if microplastics end up in the environment with waste streams in your area.
- You are looking for an experienced laboratory to analyse environmental media and routes of entry of microplastics into the environment
- You want a competent partner for microplastics and for environmental and health problems associated with them.
Our Services
We analyse microplastics in drinking water, ground and surface water, treated wastewater, in solid environmental samples e.g. sewage sludge and soils and in products (foods, drinks, cosmetics and cleaning agents).
We offer qualitative screening for microplastics in three size categories (0.005-0.05, 0.05-0.5 and 0.5-5 mm), as well as quantification of the particle number in two size categories (0.05-0.5 and 0.5-5 mm; depending on the sample, quantification for a particle size as low as 0.025 mm is also possible). Quantification of particle weight is available for the size category 0.5-5 mm.
We offer comprehensive advice on the method that suits you best.
Your Benefits
- With the testing laboratory of the Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria) as your partner you are choosing a pioneer in the analysis of microplastics in Austria.
- You receive a comprehensive test report with the test results. All these results will be treated in the strictest confidence.
- We provide advice to help you with project design and sampling, and we support you throughout the entire project.
- We work together with our customers to develop solutions.
- The Environment Agency Austria has excellent connections and can put you in touch with competent partners to deal with specific questions.
Analytical Services Microplastics 2018