New generation of climate change risk assessments
Umweltbundesamt supports climate change adaptation in seven European countries

The Umweltbundesamt, the Environment Agency Austria, is involved in a new transnational climate change adaptation project. “UNCHAIN – Unpacking climate impact CHAINs” aims at establishing a new generation of action- and user-oriented climate change risk assessments. Together with project partners from seven European countries, experts of the Environment Agency Austria will contribute to further progressing on risk assessment frameworks, impact chains and co-production of knowledge to support policy and practice towards adapting to a changing risk landscape.
Innovative, practical and manageable assessment methods
The overall objective of UNCHAIN is to put innovations relating to existing climate change risk assessment frameworks to the test. For this reason, the project partners will employ a number of case studies for the validation of methods and tools and co-development by stakeholders, experts and researchers. In addition, capacity-building measures concerning the new methods for local authorities, private businesses, private homeowners and authorities are planned. The experts will also generate policy briefs and a variety of web-based information resources for regional and national stakeholders.
With these objectives UNCHAIN will contribute to enabling accurate, science based, high-resolution climate change risk assessments.
The Environment Agency Austria in a nutshell
The Environment Agency Austria is Austria’s most important environmental expert institution and, with a demonstrable track record of more than 100 projects in 27 countries in eastern and south-eastern Europe and in the Mediterranean countries, an experienced project partner. The Environment Agency Austria stands for a transformation of the economy and society to ensure sustainable living. Our experts develop the basis for decision making at local, regional, European and international level. Since 1999, the Environment Agency Austria has been supporting central and south-eastern European authorities in institutional capacity building and in the implementation of EU legislation.