Field comparison exercise in practice
From December 2023 to April 2024, the Environment Agency Austria organized two field comparison exercises for the determination of PM10 mass concentration as a contribution to the quality assurance of the legal air quality monitoring and to demonstrate competence in the field of air quality measurement.

PM fractions
Comparison of PM10 was carried out in two measurement campaigns, which were both lasting 8 weeks (4th December 2023 to 31th January 2024 and 2th February 2024 to 3th April 2024).
The Environment Agency Austria provided an air-conditioned container with room for twelve PM samplers as required under the procedure used by the Austrian Monitoring Network for high volume PM samplers. Participation was also possible with other samplers.
Gravimetric analysis of filters were performed by the participants in their own laboratories following their own conditioning and filter handling procedures according to EN 12341 or an equivalent method.
Evaluation of Results
Values for daily mean concentrations, with the corresponding expanded combined measurement uncertainty, were submitted as results.
The results were evaluated in the same way as during the interlaboratory comparison of national reference laboratories at the European Reference Laboratory for Air Pollution (ERLAP) in spring 2022 (report EUR 31388 EN).
Dealing with complaints/objections
Any complaint or objection must be submitted in form of an email to
In the event of a complaint or objection, the proficiency testing team will contact the customer. The facts of the case will then be examined internally and the customer will be informed of the investigations carried out or measures required. Complaints or objections are processed by employees of the proficiency testing team who were not involved in the matter in question. It is ensured that the complaint or objection does not result in any disadvantage to the complainant. The customer is informed of the end of the processing of the complaint or objection.
Objections to the assessment
It should be noted that it is possible to lodge an objection to the assessment presented in the draft report. Within 14 days of the submission of the draft report objections must be submitted in form of an email to
The field comparison exercise took place in Vienna, Gudrunstraße 33.
For participation in the PM10 field comparison exercise a fee of € 2470 (excl. VAT) was charged (which included evaluation of the results and provision of the report).
Next comparison measurement
The next PM comparison measurement will take place in winter 2025/2026. The location of the field comparison exercise will be announced later.
All reports in German with English Summary.
Eignungsprüfung zur gravimetrischen PM-Bestimmung 2023/2024
Eignungsprüfung zur gravimetrischen PM-Bestimmung 2021/2022
Eignungsprüfung zur gravimetrischen PM2,5-Bestimmung 2020
Eignungsprüfung zur gravimetrischen PM10-Bestimmung 2019