Accessibility Umweltbundesamt
16. March 2020
The safety of our employees, clients and partners and the measures and recommendations adopted by the Austrian government are our top priority. We would therefore like to inform you that, as of today, most of our employees are working from their home offices.

This means that:
- From 16 March 2020 the staff of the Environment Agency Austria are available via e-mail and at their respective telephone extensions and are at your disposal as usual.
- Business trips abroad are prohibited until further notice. The same applies to business trips within Austria, unless they are absolutely necessary.
- The reception desks at our locations Spittelauer Lände 5, 1090 Vienna and Brigittenauer Lände 54 continue to be staffed.
- Central internal services such as IT and mailroom are available to a limited extent on site and in compliance with high security standards.
- The Accredited Testing Laboratory for Environmental-, GMO- and Fuel Analysis will continue to operate. Samples can be deposited Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the reception Spittelauer Lände 5, 1090 Vienna (please notify us in advance by email:
- The operation of the Accredited Calibration Laboratory for Air Quality will also be maintained.
We kindly ask you to support us in implementing the official measures and to avoid any personal contact to the extent possible. We therefore ask you to use technical tools such as telephone, e-mails and Skype conferences.
We will inform you as soon as we adapt these measures and are looking forward to our continued cooperation.