EU Water partnership with India
Umweltbundesamt support in groundwater governance
From January 2019 until October 2020, the Umweltbundesamt, the Environment Agency Austria, supported Indian authorities with hands-on expertise on groundwater governance in the spirit of the EU Water Framework Directive. Facilitated under the India-EU Water Partnership, European experts contributed to the preparation of a River Basin Management Plan for the Tapi river basin.

The development of the Tapi RBM Plan was a joint effort of many Indian and EU experts working together over the past two years. Experts of the Environment Agency Austria provided knowledge on the identification and characterization of groundwater management units, on the assessment of the risk of failing to achieve the basin management objectives and on drafting a program of measures. The Indian-European-cooperation laid the foundation for the adoption of the Tapi River Basin Management Plan by the Tapi River Basin Committee in October 2020. India has thus taken a decisive step forward in implementing European principles in protecting surface waters and groundwater.
The Indian-EU Water Partnership aims at enhancing cooperation on water issues, including ‘Clean Ganga’ program of the Government of India. It is co-financed by the EU and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented and coordinated by GIZ. The preparation of the Tapi River Basin Management Plan was substantially supported by Austrian experts from the Environment Agency Austria, the University of Natural Resources and Life Science in Vienna (BOKU) and the consulting company Fresh Thoughts as well as by further European experts.
Environment Agency Austria in a nutshell
The Environment Agency Austria is Austria’s most important environmental expert institution and a leading adviser on environmental matters in Europe. The Environment Agency Austria stands for a transformation of the economy and society to ensure sustainable living. Our experts provide the basis for decision making at local, regional, European and international level.
The Environment Agency Austria has a demonstrable track record of successful projects in more than 60 countries – from the new EU Member States to the Western Balkans, the Middle East, the Maghreb countries and Asia. The Environment Agency Austria works as an adviser to UN and EU institutions and as a partner in more than 200 national, European and international networks, bodies, and working groups.