Knowhow for water protection in Serbia
Umweltbundesamt assists in implementation of EU Water Framework Directive

Over the past 18 months, experts from the Umweltbundesamt, the Environment Agency Austria, have assisted in developing the first national water management plan for Serbia. The planning instrument serves for the protection, improvement and sustainable use of all waters. Serbia has thus taken a decisive step forward in implementing European water quality standards. Support for the Serbian authorities came from an international team of experts from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. "Access to clean water and the ecological functioning of water bodies are of paramount importance for the sustainable development of Serbia", explains Georg Rebernig, Managing Director of the Environment Agency Austria. "This also includes keeping the general public informed and involving stakeholders - an investment that will surely pay off in the long term."
One plan with multiple effects
The measures outlined in the water management plan for Serbia will be implemented between 2021 and 2027. They are aimed at providing a secure supply of water, reducing water pollution and protecting biodiversity. The Austrian experts supported the Serbian authorities in setting up a modern water quality monitoring system and developing measures to achieve the environmental objectives for surface waters and groundwater. It was also possible for citizens to get involved and make suggestions for improvement.
The Serbian authorities were supported by experts from the Environment AgencyAustria, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism and the Dutch research institute Deltares. The project was carried out under the leadership of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The cooperation was financed by the European Unions Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).
Access to clean water and the ecological functioning of water bodies are of paramount importance for the sustainable development of Serbia.
The Environment Agency Austria in a nutshell
Since 1998 the Environment Agency Austria has participated in more than 120 country partnerships, so-called Twinning projects, in more than 27 countries. The Environment Agency Austria provides assistance to authorities in administrative capacity building and in the implementation of EU law. The expert institution’s geographic reach extends to EU Member States, the West Balkans, Georgia, Turkey, the Middle East and the Maghreb countries. The projects are funded by the EU.
The Environment Agency Austria is a member of more than 200 national, European and international partner networks, bodies and working groups. The Environment Agency Austria collaborates with international organisations such as UNEP and the OECD.