Climate adaptation policy in sight
New report on characteristics and conditions of adaptation policy in European countries
Experts of the Environment Agency Austria, as part of a Consortium, assessed adaptation policy documents in 38 European countries in July 2024. The report highlights the diversity of legal and policy frameworks and aims to provide a deeper understanding of policies and instruments utilized. A particular focus is on countries with national climate laws, such as the new Federal Climate Adaptation Act (KAnG) in Germany - the first independent adaptation law in Europe.

The report shows how countries are increasingly strengthening their climate policy through binding legal requirements and thus increasing their resilience to climate risks. At the same time, it identifies challenges, such as the integration of monitoring and evaluation systems, in order to make the effectiveness of measures more measurable. The authors, including experts from the Environment Agency Austria, emphasise the need for robust legal mandates and effective governance structures to ensure coherent and effective climate change adaptation.
The European Topic Centre on Climate change adaptation and LULUCF (ETC CA) is a Consortium of 16 European organisations, among them the Environment Agency Austria, with expertise in the topic area of climate change adaptation and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) working in partnership with the European Environment Agency under a framework partnership agreement for the period 2022-2026.
Further information and the report : ETC-CA Report 2/2024