Next intercomparison exercise
Every year, the Federal Environment Agency, as an accredited proficiency testing body according to EN/ISO/IEC 17043:2023 for gaseous air pollutants, organises a one-week proficiency test for operators of ambient air quality measuring devices as a contribution to quality assurance of legal air quality measurement in accordance with the Immission Control Act-Air and to demonstrate competence in the field of ambient air quality measurement.
Friday, the last day, is planned as an additional day for dismantling the participants' monitoring instruments.

Participation in a proficiency test offers an opportunity for laboratories to have their performance assessed and to demonstrate their competence in air quality measurements. The proficiency tests are open to all operators of air quality monitoring instruments.
The Environment Agency Austria is accredited for proficiency testing of gaseous air pollutants under EN ISO/IEC 17043:2023.
The monitoring instruments should comply with the reference methods EN 14625 for O3 and EN 14211 for NO/NO2 as specified in the Austrian Ambient Air Quality Protection Act (IG-L) and the EU Air Quality Directives.
If you use other measurement methods, participation may also be possible. Please email us at for more information. All participants are responsible for the calibration of their measurement instruments and for the recording of their data.
Components and measuring ranges
During the proficiency test different substance amounts of O3, NO and NO2 will be generated in the ranges given below:
- O3 up to 200 nmol/mol or ppb,
- NO up to 500 nmol/mol or 500 ppb,
- NO2 up to 250 nmol/mol or 250 ppb.
Evaluation of Results
Results will be evaluated according to the “Protocol for intercomparison exercise” (AQUILA N37) which applies to proficiency tests carried out by national reference laboratories. The results will be published in an Environment Agency Austria report in a non-anonymous form, with the option to download the report from the homepage of the Environment Agency Austria. The proficiency testing is passed if 80% of all possible results of a component are assessed with z'-score a1 to a3.
Dealing with complaints/objections
Any complaint or objection must be submitted in form of an email to
In the event of a complaint or objection, the proficiency testing team will contact the customer. The facts of the case will then be examined internally and the customer will be informed of the investigations carried out or measures required. Complaints or objections are processed by employees of the proficiency testing team who were not involved in the matter in question. It is ensured that the complaint or objection does not result in any disadvantage to the complainant. The customer is informed of the end of the processing of the complaint or objection.
Objections to the assessment
It should be noted that it is possible to lodge an objection to the assessment presented in the draft report. Within 14 days of the submission of the draft report objections must be submitted in form of an email to
Costs 2024
For participation in the proficiency test for O3, and NO/NO2: € 1589 (excl. VAT.) (which includes evaluation of the results and provision of the report).
Dates and Costs for 2025 will be announced here.
Inter-laboratory facility: Handelskai 102-112, 1200 Vienna, Austria
Cancellation conditions
Cancellation: Free of charge up to 7 days before the start of the event. Up to 3 days before the start of the event we allow ourselves to charge a 25% handling fee, for cancellations of less than 3 days we charge the full amount.
If you require further information please email us!