Short nameDare2ConnectCountriesAustria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, HungaryName of client, beneficiaryMinistry of Finance (hosting the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of Danube Transnational Programme,Origin of fundingERDF - Fund, European Commission, Directorate General for Regional PolicyNames of consortium membersLP ERDF: BUND Project Office Green Belt, Nuremberg ;DEProject start2018-06-01Project end2021-11-30Short description
The European Green Belt initiative developed an extraordinary ecological network and living memorial landscape along the former Iron Curtain. On a length of 12.500 km it connects 24 European countries and contains almost all types of ecosystems that can be found in Europe.
However, the Green Belt still suffers from a certain level of not sufficiently connected habitats and valuable landscapes. The main objective of the „DaRe to Connect (D2C)“ project is therefore the implementation of the EU Danube Strategy.
Experts of the Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria) define feasible ecological corridors between Natura 2000 areas on transnational as well as macro-regional levels. Thereby, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing approaches, partly based on newly available EU-Copernicus (Sentinel) data, are used.
Services provided:
- Enhancing ecological connectivity and Eco-System Services (ESS) provision by detailed ecological and spatial analyses.
- Promoting the establishment of ecological corridors between Natura 2000 sites and other sites of ecological importance.
- Bringing together public and private actors along the Green Belt in order to preserve ecological corridors and their natural values and services.