Soil Mission Support

Short name

Soil Mission Support


Europe, France, Hungary, Ireland, Spain, Netherlands, Germany

Name of client, beneficiary

European Commission - DG Research

Origin of funding

European Commission - DG Research

Names of consortium members

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Stichting Deltares (DELTARES), Agricultural Research Center (ATK), French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), Agriculture and Food Development Authority (TEAGASC), National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research (INIA), Stichting Wageningen Research (WenR), Ecologic Institute (ECOLOGIC)

Project start


Project end


Short description

When we think about our environment, soil health is just as crucial as climate action, ecosystem services and biodiversity.  It is vital for a large variety of things such as food, energy, and biomaterials. As the pressure on land and soil is growing, a sustainable soil management that satisfies the increasing demand and avoids soil degradation requires coordinated research and development. The project employs a multi-actor approach to create an effective framework for actions in the wider area of soil health and land management. Moreover, the experts seek to identify a criteria for Living Labs and lighthouses to demonstrate solutions.

The objective is to interlink the main players in soil health and management and to create a transdisciplinary approach. The action fields diverge from agriculture and forestry to spatial planning, land remediation, climate action, and disaster control. Soil Mission Support will improve the coordination of research and innovation on soil and land management in support of the Horizon Europe Mission in the area of Soil Health and Food, the European Green Deal, and to improve the contribution of soil and land-related services to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Services provided:

  • A stakeholder-based, co-created roadmap for R&I to support the Horizon Europe Mission in the area of Soil Health and Food.
  • Improved coordination with existing activities in Europe and globally, thereby raising visibility and effectiveness of R&I funding.
  • Identification of and learning from existing and potential Living Labs and lighthouses.


Soil and Land management

Project links