Air information – current ozone levels

High temperatures during the summer months can be accompanied by elevated levels of ground level ozone. We provide up-to-date information on ozone levels for the whole of Austria.

OZONE REPORT FOR 01.04.2025, 00:00h, PRODUCED ON 01.04.2025, 00:45h
RegionMaximum daily 1-hour mean [µg/m³]Time of maximum daily 1-hour meanExceedances
Nordostösterreich 92 18:00 no exceedances
Südostösterreich mit mittlerem Murtal 94 13:00 no exceedances
Oberösterreich und nördliches Salzburg 92 01:00 no exceedances
Pinzgau, Pongau und Steiermark nördlich der Niederen Tauern 99 02:00 no exceedances
Nordtirol 97 01:00 no exceedances
Vorarlberg 86 01:00 no exceedances
Kärnten und Osttirol 103 01:00 no exceedances
Lungau und oberes Murtal 94 01:00 no exceedances

Ozone Map

Air quality measurements of the Austrian federal network and of the Austrian provinces,
compiled by the Environment Agency Austria
Based on provisional (non-validated) data
Ozone information threshold: 180 µg/m³ as one-hour mean
Ozone alert threshold: 240 µg/m³ as one-hour mean
Ozone target value: 120 µg/m³ as maximum daily eight-hour mean
(not to be exceeded on more than 25 days per year, averaged over three years)

Recommended (optional) actions in case of exceedance of the ozone information threshold:
At ozone concentrations above the information threshold, it is possible that very sensitive individuals may experience minor symptoms during strenuous physical activity.
Usual outdoor activities – e.g. walking, bathing or picnics - are safe even for vulnerable individuals.
They should, however, check the ozone forecast for their area.
Other personal precautions are only necessary if the ozone alert threshold is exceeded.

Recommended (optional) actions in case of exceedance of the ozone alert threshold:
Ozone concentrations above the alert threshold may cause irritations of the mucous membranes or breathing problems.
Unusual and strenuous physical activity, particularly at midday and in the afternoon, should be avoided.
Individuals who are at risk – such as children with bronchial hyper-reactivity, individuals with severe respiratory diseases and/or heart conditions and people with asthma – should consider staying indoors in smoke-free areas.
Please contact your doctor for personal health advice.

Maximum eight-hour mean ozone concentrations for 01.04.2025, 00:00h
RegionMaximum daily 8-hour mean [µg/m³]Time of maximum daily 8-hour mean
Nordostösterreich 89 01:00
Südostösterreich mit mittlerem Murtal 90 17:00
Oberösterreich und nördliches Salzburg 91 01:00
Pinzgau, Pongau und Steiermark nördlich der Niederen Tauern 102 01:00
Nordtirol 99 01:00
Vorarlberg 86 01:00
Kärnten und Osttirol 104 01:00
Lungau und oberes Murtal 92 01:00

Nordostösterreich - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Hainburg Krankenhaus 61 00:00 75 92 18:00 0
Payerbach - Kreuzberg 74 00:00 79 92 03:00 0
Trasdorf im Tullnerfeld 58 00:00 72 92 02:00 0
Krems 58 00:00 67 92 02:00 0
Stephansplatz 69 23:00 78 91 03:00 0
Stixneusiedl 64 00:00 76 90 16:00 0
Annaberg, Joachimsberg 64 00:00 76 90 03:00 0
Kittsee 61 00:00 76 89 16:00 0
Amstetten 55 00:00 63 89 02:00 0
Mödling Bachgasse 64 00:00 73 88 03:00 0
Wiesmath 71 00:00 77 88 04:00 0
Gänserndorf Baumschulweg 61 00:00 74 87 14:00 0
Klosterneuburg Meynertgasse 64 00:00 76 87 03:00 0
Tulln Leopoldgasse 60 00:00 70 87 03:00 0
Kematen an der Ybbs 49 00:00 65 87 02:00 0
Schwechat Sportplatz, Mühlgasse 62 00:00 70 87 04:00 0
Hermannskogel 66 23:00 77 87 03:00 0
Hohe Warte 67 23:00 78 87 03:00 0
Ziersdorf 62 00:00 73 86 14:00 0
Pillersdorf bei Retz 66 00:00 73 86 17:00 0
Purkersdorf, Tullnerbachstraße 53 00:00 65 85 03:00 0
Kollmitzberg 46 00:00 61 85 02:00 0
St. Valentin A1, Buchenstraße 44 00:00 59 85 02:00 0
Wolkersdorf 62 00:00 72 85 15:00 0
Bad Vöslau, Gainfarn 66 00:00 75 84 03:00 0
Forsthof am Schöpfl 62 00:00 74 84 03:00 0
Himberg, Alter Markt 66 00:00 74 84 04:00 0
Dunkelsteinerwald - Unterbergern 56 00:00 65 84 02:00 0
Wiener Neustadt 75 20:00 84 03:00 0
Illmitz am Neusiedler See 64 00:00 75 84 04:00 0
Heidenreichstein Thaures 58 00:00 64 83 01:00 0
Pöchlarn 38 00:00 53 83 02:00 0
Mistelbach Steinhübel 57 00:00 71 83 16:00 0
St. Pölten Eybnerstraße 44 00:00 58 83 02:00 0
Liesing - Carlberger-Gasse Gewerbegebiet 67 23:00 74 83 04:00 0
Eisenstadt Laschoberstraße 64 00:00 65 82 04:00 0
Lobau 64 23:00 72 80 15:00 0
Rust am Neusiedler See 62 00:00 68 79 04:00 0
Irnfritz - Rothweinsdorf 60 00:00 65 79 02:00 0

Südostösterreich mit mittlerem Murtal - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Graz Lustbühel 73 00:00 80 94 13:00 0
Graz Nord Gösting 71 00:00 76 91 12:00 0
Bockberg 69 00:00 75 91 13:00 0
Klöch bei Bad Radkersburg 76 00:00 82 91 12:00 0
Rohr im Burgenland 75 00:00 82 90 14:00 0
Weiz Bahnhofstraße 51 00:00 69 90 12:00 0
Masenberg 81 00:00 82 89 13:00 0
Graz Süd Tiergartenweg 69 00:00 74 89 11:00 0
Arnfels - Remschnigg 71 00:00 76 89 14:00 0
Voitsberg Mühlgasse 36 00:00 63 88 12:00 0
Hartberg Zentrum 50 00:00 70 87 14:00 0
Deutschlandsberg Rathausgasse 45 00:00 69 87 12:00 0
Rudersdorf 71 23:00 81 86 17:00 0
Mürzzuschlag Roseggerpark 49 00:00 62 86 04:00 0
Oberwart B63a 73 00:00 77 85 13:00 0
Graz Schloßberg 60 00:00 65 84 14:00 0
Fürstenfeld Ungartorweg 70 00:00 78 82 17:00 0
Rennfeld no valid measurements available

Oberösterreich und nördliches Salzburg - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Grünbach bei Freistadt 58 00:00 66 92 01:00 0
Feuerkogel (Höllengebirge) 66 00:00 74 88 03:00 0
St. Koloman Kleinhorn 56 00:00 70 85 08:00 0
Hallein Winterstall 60 00:00 71 85 01:00 0
Haunsberg 52 00:00 66 85 14:00 0
Zöbelboden im Reichraminger Hintergebirge - Wildwiese 62 00:00 75 85 04:00 0
Bad Ischl, Rettenbachwaldstraße 49 23:00 62 83 03:00 0
Vöcklabruck, Untere Agergasse 46 00:00 61 82 02:00 0
Steyr Münichholz 47 00:00 62 82 15:00 0
Lenzing Hauptstraße 46 00:00 63 82 02:00 0
Freistadt Zaglaustraße 53 00:00 61 81 01:00 0
Braunau Zentrum, Kolpingplatz 48 00:00 59 80 03:00 0
Linz Stadtpark, Noßbergerstraße 49 00:00 54 80 02:00 0
Haag am Hausruck 50 00:00 60 80 02:00 0
Salzburg Mirabellplatz 47 00:00 59 80 05:00 0
Salzburg Paumannpark 50 00:00 52 78 05:00 0
Traun Tischlerstraße 52 00:00 58 77 02:00 0
Linz Neue Welt 48 00:00 47 77 02:00 0
Enzenkirchen im Sauwald 46 00:00 58 77 16:00 0
Wels Linzerstraße 50 00:00 56 76 16:00 0

Pinzgau, Pongau und Steiermark nördlich der Niederen Tauern - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Sonnblick 80 23:00 87 99 02:00 0
Grundlsee Tressensattel 65 23:00 74 83 06:00 0
St. Johann im Pongau, Bezirkshauptmannschaft 73 00:00 74 82 16:00 0
Hochwurzen 66 00:00 73 81 17:00 0
Liezen Pyhrnbach 61 00:00 68 80 04:00 0
Zell am See Freizeitzentrum/Eishalle 57 00:00 69 78 14:00 0

Nordtirol - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
St. Anton am Arlberg - Galzig 85 00:00 86 97 01:00 0
Innsbruck Nordkette (Seegrube) 81 00:00 82 96 02:00 0
Heiterwang Ort L355 73 00:00 73 88 01:00 0
Innsbruck Sadrach 68 00:00 72 87 03:00 0
Höfen Lärchbichl 47 00:00 58 87 01:00 0
Kramsach Angerberg 62 00:00 64 84 01:00 0
Innsbruck Reichenau - Andechsstraße 63 00:00 66 81 05:00 0
Wörgl Josef Stelzhamer-Straße 50 00:00 57 81 02:00 0
Kufstein Festung 51 00:00 57 77 02:00 0

Vorarlberg - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Bludenz Herrengasse 72 20:00 86 01:00 0
Lustenau Wiesenrain 60 20:00 83 01:00 0
Wald am Arlberg S16 58 20:00 81 01:00 0
Sulzberg - Gmeind 66 20:00 79 14:00 0

Kärnten und Osttirol - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Vorhegg bei Kötschach-Mauthen 83 00:00 88 103 01:00 0
Gerlitzen Steinturm 82 23:00 90 100 02:00 0
Spittal a. d. Drau Oktoberstraße 66 00:00 81 97 01:00 0
Klagenfurt Kreuzbergl 76 00:00 86 95 16:00 0
Lienz Tristacher-See-Straße, Tiefbrunnen 78 00:00 81 95 01:00 0
Kraiger Berg bei St. Veit an der Glan 77 00:00 84 93 16:00 0
Klagenfurt Sterneckstraße 69 00:00 79 91 15:00 0
Arnoldstein Gailitz Waldsiedlungsstraße 72 00:00 80 91 14:00 0
Wolfsberg Hauptschule 74 00:00 79 91 13:00 0
St. Georgen im Lavanttal - Herzogberg 70 00:00 80 89 14:00 0
Obervellach Schulzentrum 68 00:00 75 84 14:00 0

Lungau und oberes Murtal - 01.04.2025, 00:00h  ^OVERVIEW
Monitoring site Latest updated 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of latest 1-hour mean Current 8-hour mean [µg/m³] Maximum 1-hour mean [µg/m³] Time of maximum 1-hour mean Duration [h]
Judenburg, Sportplatz 57 00:00 72 94 01:00 0
Grebenzen bei St. Lambrecht 78 00:00 84 94 01:00 0
Tamsweg Untere Postgasse 64 00:00 75 86 18:00 0
Zederhaus Lamm 74 00:00 78 84 13:00 0