Anderl Michael, Böhmer Siegmund, Köther Traute, Krutzler Thomas, Muik Barbara, Poupa Stephan, Schachermayer Elisabeth, Schodl Barbara, Sporer Melanie, Storch Alexander, Wiesenberger Herbert, Zechmeister Andreas:
Austria´s National Air Emission Projections for 2010-2020.
Submission under the UN/ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.Wien, 2010
Reports, Band 0260
ISBN: 978-3-99004-061-4
36 S.
The report “Austria’s national air emission projections 2010-2020” presents emission projections reported under the UN/ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. It includes projections for the air pollutants NOx, SO2, NMVOC, and NH3 for the years 2010, 2015, and 2020.
The projections for NOx show further decrease of emissions until 2020. For Ammonia further decrease of emissions in 2010 followed by a constant trend is reported.. For SO2 no further significant reductions are expected. NMVOC emissions are projected to increase after 2010.
The results are based on a scenario which accounts for all measures implemented before August 2008 (“with measures” scenario). Emissions from energy related sectors are calculated on the basis of an energy forecast from 2008 and do therefore not reflect recent economic developments.
The projections for NOx show further decrease of emissions until 2020. For Ammonia further decrease of emissions in 2010 followed by a constant trend is reported.. For SO2 no further significant reductions are expected. NMVOC emissions are projected to increase after 2010.
The results are based on a scenario which accounts for all measures implemented before August 2008 (“with measures” scenario). Emissions from energy related sectors are calculated on the basis of an energy forecast from 2008 and do therefore not reflect recent economic developments.