Anderl Michael, Bürgler Manuela, Colson Jérôme, Gangl Marion, Kuschel Verena, Makoschitz Lisa, Matthews Bradley, Mayer Simone, Moldaschl Erwin, Pazdernik Katja, Poupa Stephan, Purzner Maria, Rockenschaub Anne Karina, Roll Michael, Schieder Wolfgang, Schmid Carmen, Schmidt Günther, Schodl Barbara, Schwaiger Elisabeth, Schwarzl Bettina, Stranner Gudrun, Weiss Peter, Wieser Manuela, Zechmeister Andreas:

    Austria's Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990–2023.

    Submission under Regulation (EU) No 2018/1999.

    Wien, 2025
    Reports, Band 0952
    ISBN: 978-3-99004-800-9
    58 S.
    In the ‘Austria's Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990–2023’ report, the Umweltbundesamt presents updated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Austria. In 2023, total GHG emissions amounted to 68.6 Mt CO2e (without LULUCF). This corresponds to a 13.6% decrease compared to 1990 and a 6.5% decrease compared to 2022. Key drivers for the development 2022–2023 were the lower natural gas and gasoil consumption, as well as lower diesel oil sales in category Transport.
    Emissions of GHG covered by EU Regulation No. 2018/842 (‘Effort Sharing Regulation’) amounted to around 44.2 Mt CO2e in 2023 and were thus below the annual emission allocation for that year. Content and format of this report are in accordance with the obligations under the Governance Regulation (EU) No. 218/1999.
