Anderl Michael, Freudenschuß Alexandra, Friedrich Angela, Köther Traute, Kriech Martin, Kuschel Verena, Muik Barbara, Pazdernik Katja, Poupa Stephan, Schodl Barbara, Stranner Gudrun, Schwaiger Elisabeth, Seuss Katrin, Weiss Peter, Wieser Manuela, Zethner Gerhard:

    Austria's National Inventory Report 2010.

    Submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and under the Kyoto Protocol.

    Wien, 2010
    Reports, Band 0265
    ISBN: 978-3-99004-066-9
    770 S.
    The National Inventory Report 2010 (NIR 2010) gives a detailed and comprehensive description of the methodology applied in the Austrian air emissions inventory for the greenhouse gases of the “Kyoto basket” (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, HFC, PFC and SF6). With this report, Austria complies with its reporting obligations under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol by providing transparent and verifiable documentation. It contains sector-specific emissions for the years 1990 to 2008, emission factors, activity data and basic data for emission calculations as well as additional information relevant for reporting under the Kyoto Protocol. Moreover, the NIR 2010 provides documentation of the national inventory system and quality assurance as performed by the accredited inspection body (ISO/IEC 17020) on emission inventories.
