Anderl Michael, Freudenschuß Alexandra, Haider Simone, Köther Traute, Lampert Christoph, Pazdernik Katja, Poupa Stephan, Purzner Maria, Schodl Barbara, Schwaiger Elisabeth, Sporer Melanie, Stranner Gudrun, Weiss Peter, Wieser Manuela, Zechmeister Andreas, Zethner Gerhard:

    Austria´s Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2010.

    Submission under Decision 280/2004/EC.

    Wien, 2012
    Reports, Band 0361
    ISBN: 978-3-99004-164-2
    53 S.
    In "Austria's Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990–2010" the Umweltbundesamt presents up-to-date figures of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Austria. In 2010, the third year of the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, GHG emissions amounted to 84.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents. This corresponds to an 8.2% increase against base-year levels and a 6.1% increase since 2009. The key drivers for the increase from 2009 to 2010 were the recovery from the economic crisis in 2009 with rising industrial production, an increase in road freight transport and increased demand for electricity, but also cold climate conditions. The content and format of this report are in accordance with obligations under the greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism 280/2004/EC for implementing the Kyoto Protocol. Updated emission data have to be reported to the European Commission by 15 January each year.
